Monday, June 30, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

saturday saturday saturday

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

The far majestic (bly poem)

Your cigarette down-poised, un-lit.
Welcome to the often-tunneled

Your course is mapped
like a constellation
in the stars.
But the shapes
- the bear the belt
the crab the stupid-
handled pot -
you don't buy it.
Are you so desperate
against the dark?

Maybe it's a trick
for memory. But is that wisdom
or excuse?

Luckily age
has taught you to doubt.
Often, yourself.

These days you're happy
making love slowly. You wish
the coffee stayed hotter
in the cup.
What if
the world could give up wanting.
You ask that to the ass
of every young girl.

what map could possibly lead you?
What starshine
will sing you
through the night?

Obvious Poem

Part of me is very sad.

It's not the part
that is given a latte
by the beautiful woman.
Or that eats a blueberry
muffin still melting
from the oven.

But it's there.

It's not the part that sits
with my friends on Saturday.
That hears "good job" at
the office. The rustle
of paper. That's not
the job
but I hear it.

There is the danger
of too much obviousness.


As if the worst
that would happen
is that life becomes
too still.
Too simple.
Like a cucumber
on a plate.

Just fucking eat it.

Oh, heart.
We still wander
a black ocean.
Tell me when it is
we'll go home.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Warhammer 40K quotes

  • Beat your thoughts to the mold of your your will.

    -- Attributed to Leman Russ

  • Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind.

    -- Assassin Proverb

  • Though my guards may sleep and ships may lay at anchor, our foes know full well that big guns never tire.

    -- The Tyrant of Badab

  • Here I am and here I shall die.

    -- Attributed to Leman Russ at the battle of Rising Fell

  • Do not waste your tears. I was not born to watch the world grow dim. Life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men.

    -- Unknown