Sunday, November 02, 2008

the questions of your life (phase 1)

  • If you had to identify yourself as composed of three different authors, who would they be?

  • If your house/apartment/cardboard-box was on fire and you could grab only one item before escaping, what would it be?

  • Would you rather live by the mountains or by the sea?

  • What song would you like to die to? What song should play at your funeral? Are they the same song?

  • What animal are you? If you want to, explain.

  • What would it take to make you give up everything?

  • Describe your ideal breakfast. This means more than just the food. Where are you sitting? What's the light like? What are you wearing on your feet?

  • What's the last thing that made you cry? If you refuse to cry, what's the last thing that made you feel oh so very bad?

  • Bestow on yourself a nickname. Don't tell anyone what it is. You may have noticed that this is not a question. Do it anyway.

  • Suppose you're stuck in a weird acid flashback, in which 5 minutes of your past keeps happening over and over, an endless loop. What happens in that 5 minutes?