Sunday, September 28, 2008

tin prayer

oh lord
of fire and
lord of blight,
lord of the light
blue dressing.
lord of mysterious skies,
crying masses
of intestinal angst.
lord of vapid footed biology.
lord of mutter and worry.
lord of bitch-
tied 'bout the kneecaps.
lord born from the imprint,
lord copied from carbon.
lord still independent
of who voices. lord of
breads. lord who by bison, by blue, by
wrecked and half-noble knuckles.
oh lord it is for you
that i bleed a bad tartan.
it is for you
i dance a slow jig.
lord whom to holier
nothings were nowhere
never whispered,
genuflectously intoned,
the breath of the great
patella oh magnanimous sweet
unfulsome oh bloody oh